1·Model and modeling are important in scientific inquisition. How to develop model-based learning has been the new important topic in science education research.
2·In the fourth chapter, through expound the develop model about the art and science colligate curriculum with related cases, the writer discussed this colligate curriculum from practice side.
3·A proposed joint project would develop a prototype or demonstration model for the "21st-century national information infrastructure".
4·It's about three meters long, and it took about four years to develop the model.
5·Develop a model of the user interface flow, showing how a given actor from the business process will interact with the system during a typical "session".
6·In this, there's an unparalleled ever expanding set of content, data, and services available for people who wish to develop applications using this model.
7·To forecast an event like that, scientists need to be able to quantify all the variables involved and also develop a very precise model of the land surface, added Stott.
8·Each of the individual subunits or fragments can exist separately under version control and helps enable a project team to develop a model in parallel.
9·This extension model allows you to develop plug-ins that add a variety of function to the basic tooling platform.
10·You can develop this model in several ways.